Why subscribe?

I won't say I need your subscription, because we both know no one subscription will make or break Serfonomics. I don't want to put my content behind a paywall because I want everyone to see it. So really, your decision to support Serfonomics is mostly about you.

Many people care about politics. Far fewer actually do something yet they are often disappointed when they back a candidate or cause that betrays them. I don't want that for you.

So I'll tell you up front that Serfonomics upholds the three principles that make societies strong: IAM -- Individuality, Accountability, and Merit. We always will. And if ever I say something that isn't quite right or something that could be misinterpreted, I will lose sleep until I fix it. I really can't help myself.

Money Matters

We all know money can complicate relationships, so let me tell you what it will do to ours. When you read Serfonomics, I feel honored. When you support Serfonomics I feel obligated. I want to work hard so you’ll be proud of our movement, and know that each penny of your contribution is helping.

It's up to you. If you want to put me to work for you, I offer you the pride of being a Liberator, sharing your strength to free the world from entitled Elites who would make us all Serfs.

Thank you for your support,

Mr. Richard

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Exposing Elites who expect us to be Serfs


Exposing Elites who expect us to be Serfs